Many small business owners have been offering flexible, remote-work-from-home programs for years now. For some, the latest pandemic has made work from home more viable and even necessary, but is work from home really viable or only temporary? For many years now, people who want to make money from home have been turning to network marketing and internet marketing as a way of making money. Some people have even managed to find a full-time job doing this. The problem with network marketing and internet marketing is that it takes a…
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Emergency Preparedness for Business
Is your company prepared for an emergency? Most are not. Emergencies can happen at any time. A fire could destroy your office, a snowstorm or flood can knock out power to an entire region for days or even months at a time, the president of the company could be killed in a car accident. What would happen to your business if you walked into the office tomorrow morning and discovered that someone had broken in and stolen all of your computers? Or if you are a small business owner and…
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